We have a great deal of knowledge and experience with various types of surface treatment, and we are very happy to share it with our customers. It is often a good idea to discuss new products and treatment of various topics early in the development process, in order to achieve the best possible result. We are happy to participate in product development together with our customers, and have the opportunity to carry out a number of different tests and trials, so that the result lives up to expectations.
Talk to us about hanging the items so that the contact marks are as small as possible, let us together determine the quality control of the finished product.
You are always welcome to call and arrange a non-committal meeting where we can discuss your specific needs and requirements for the surface treatment - and we can solve most challenges.
As a customer of Stjerne-Chrom, you are something very special. If you as a B2B customer want to know more about and have a binding offer, please contact us.
We are quality, environment and working environment certified according to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018. Our anodizing process is under food control.