Stjerne-Chrom uses a lot of electricity in our processes. Through an electrochemical process, a surface of a given chemical substance is formed on the surface of the workpieces, and in addition, energy is used for heating and cooling chemical vessels. We had solar cells installed on the roof in 2011, so that we can heat the process tanks with solar heat for part of the year. In addition, we use natural gas for heating.
In addition to installing the solar heating system, we work with energy savings on:
• Compressed air, where we have combined our compressed air supply from several compressors to an intelligent compressor
• Cooling, where we have established free cooling for the process
• Switch to chemical types that require lower temperature
• Installation of automatic on and off for air movement of bath liquids
We are quality, environment and working environment certified according to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018. Our anodizing process is under food control.